Sometimes you gotta say F-It....

Today amid my super dirty house, smelly dogs, slightly unkept yard, a driveway of nut hulls to be spread, and laundry (MOUNDS) to be folded I said F-it. It seems my whole day..make that spent working and yet I never get ahead. I have two jobs and some "side projects" that keep me busy and then when I get home the real work awaits me. Its easy to feel overwhelmed but today the sun came out and I just couldn't do it anymore. I called Brent (my partner) and made him skip out of work early (excuse used: stomach cramps, always works). We grabbed some sandwiches from Kenny and Zukes and raced home. I ignored the piles, smells, nuts and took the boat down to the local dock. The lovely thing about living in St. Johns is that the dock is about 5 minutes away! We piled in one of the dogs, the food and our sunglasses and set for the river.

We are new to boating. So when we go out if always feels like an adventure. I always a little encouraged when the motor turns over on only the 3rd try and it only took two attempts to back it down the ramp! Once we were on the water I felt all my stresses leave for a hot minute as I took a moment and enjoyed the blessing my life is. Don't get me wrong it is far from perfect but I am thankful for a partner who is willing to take risks, to live in an area so freakin' gorgeous and enough rain throughout the year to make me feel like the sun (at 75 degrees) is manna from Heaven. We eventually found a deserted beach like area, ditched the boat and spent a couple hours just sitting/playing with the dog and enjoying life.

Now back home I see that both couches are covered in dog hair, the dishes in the sink need to be washed...etc....etc...etc....though today was an important reminder that the important things in life are taking moments to just enjoy, to be stress free and thankful.

Anyone else have any fun weekend plans?


Rois said...

Hey! You are blogging too! Coolie-O. Life has been so busy that my blog is a bit neglected right now but I'll get back to it soon.
Take Care.

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