A lot of response came from my last blog entry and that is exactly what I was hoping for...discussion!
I will admit that we have been pretty non-impacted by the negative turn of economy and because of that it was easy for me to ignore. The same is to be said for individuals with disabilities and the services they receive...if you don't need them its easy to ignore whats happening. Thankfully the state found some "extra" money and will give 17 million out of the 35 million back so many of the programs will continue at least through February. Though with no end in sight for this slow economy there isn't a lot of hope so you learn to take it day by day.
I keep hoping that this economy will encourages us as a community to come together. When we go the grocery store we will ask our neighbor if they would like to go with us, we offer to have a play date with our friend's child who has a disability, or even to ask if there is anything we can do to help. This doesn't just apply to the old and disabled though. I hope in this negativity we can come together and reconnect. We can look at budget cuts as negative or we can help form a neighborhood watch to keep our neighborhood safe and clean, without police assistance. We can organize school yard clean-ups and after school programs.
We can eventually realize as a society that stuff doesn't equal happiness. That living outside our means doesn't make us better people. To finally appreciate what we have instead of looking at what we want.
I am not speaking from a pulpit. I am just as guilty as the next guy. I admit that I covet many an item and don't know my neighbors names and currently not active in making it more of a community feel. I guess I am hoping that I can use this time of "tightening purse strings" to force myself to really appreciate what I have and to realize what is important. What it requires is what I have already asked you to do....go out of my comfort zone..I need to practice what I preach.
In some ways I have already started doing this, I will be paying off my LAST credit card this month (Just in time for student loans to kick in)!!!!!!!! Though I think I have saved the most uncomfortable task of all: creating community in my neighborhood. It really shames me to write this down, to put it out to the public. I work daily to create community and inclusion for all, yet when push comes to shove I haven't done it. My neighborhood is diverse and it has many people "not like me". It is so easy to see those differences I don't notice the "sameness". So in front of you I pledge to work on finding how they are like me. I am going to look everyday for moments when I can create a neighborhood. I will be part of the solution and not the problem.
How do you create community?
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