To avoid the depression from the rain.

10 Things I am Currently in Love with:

1. Red Wine.

2. Fleece Pants (seriously I think about them at work....actually I think more about "could I find a black pair that I could wear to work?? Or even more important would anyone say anything???)

3. Having 4 happy chickens...its been a long haul but I am really lovin' the new birds we got!

4. Having girl friends who aren't afraid to call you on your shit.  (seriously....that is real friendship)

5. Babies (and dogs for that matter) in Halloween costumes...I don't care if they don't understand the holiday I want to dump like a million pieces of candy on them...or maybe offer to trade the candy for them.....

6. My new broom (from  Local and freakin lovely!! (Note I did not say I like sweeping).

7. Did I mention Red Wine?

8. The color Burnt Orange.

9. The smell of a burning fire place (which currently I can only get from a yankee candle but still good enough)

10. My man's beard....seriously. HOT.


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