A New Journey

So this stay-catin is a bust!  Sadly things do not always work out as you envisioned in your life...sometimes this is for the good (a blind date leading to an amazing partnership) & sometimes for the bad...

I was notified that I would not be returning to my job once my vacation ended.  It was a shock, and honestly earth shattering.  I am a person who has always prided myself on working hard & losing your job just doesn't happen to people who work hard.....right?!!? Oy, life is a bitch sometimes.  Goddamn economy & the real world.

The first day of knowledge was tough.  I have spend 5 years of my life living & breathing my job, not only my employment but it became part of my soul, the fight for the companies' vision became my own sole passion in life.  I was 21 year old when first hired and honestly it was a perfect fit at the time.  I cannot even begin to count all the lessons I have learned not only professionally but personally in that time.  My life evolved around one thing, and I identified myself based on my losing it felt like I had lost myself.

My identity.

My worth.

The second day of knowledge is much different than the first.

I realize that for too long I have become complacent and comfortable in the company I worked for.  Even though the vision of the company was no longer my goal in life I still pretended that it was.  I was no longer being challenged or continuing on my path of knowledge instead I was resting on my laurels & the feeling of comfort/familiarity.  And to be honest it no longer fit.  I was living in the memory of what once was.

I am not going to say that I am not having random moments where I think I am gonna have a panic attack....I am a person who has always had at least 2-3 jobs at a time so being losing my main one is a big deal.  I could wallow and say "why me??!" but instead I am going to do my best to buck up to the challenge.  I am going to stop and ask myself what I want in my stop for a minute & create a vision for myself. No more am I going to adopt someone else's... I get the awesome opportunity to create a new one.  

I am going to look around the old interweb to see what is out there, I am also going to take some moments and figure out what I want. Where do I want to be in 10 years...hmmmm....the sky is the limit.....I feel some big changes coming.



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