How I feel when you come around:
I know that it is only an hour and I know that I should be happy to have sun later in the day but I am NOT! I woke up this morning feeling like I had been run over by a truck...My body was too smart to actually go to sleep when the clock said knew that it was only 10....just like it knew that it wasn't 7 when I got up so my REM cycle is clearly all sorts of whack....
So then I sludge my way downstairs to wait for a plumber because a pipe had burst so instead of spending money on fun things: soil, seeds, garden art!, some curtains..... no no it was spent on a lame piece of piping that will most likely not impress the neighbors...
"oh and over here we just installed a new 2100 model fitting for our garden hose...I hear Laura Bush has the same model"......
thankfully the guy was only 20 minutes late (what is with service people and their whole 2 hour windows? that they don't even hit usually?) (wouldn't be awesome if we could all function like that?)
"Oh yeah I will get to work between 9-11ish....emphasis on the ish......"
seriously that would be the business...I guess I shouldn't hate just because they thought of it first....
So the guy comes and is fixing stuff while I try to get ready for my day, feeling like a kid the day after their 21st birthday party, when my dog decides to vomit on the couch.
But because we have pets and because I am a sane, rational person in the morning I just smile...make that curse (sailors would of been impressed)...and then go to to the sink to start to clean it up to realize OH THATS RIGHT we have no water.......for another hour...........
so now I am about an hour later than I would like to be, still at home, out $200, feeling like how I imagine Charlie Sheen feels most mornings & to top it all off have a couch covered in vomit.
Sooo you know what Daylight Savings you can suck it. You can take your "extra" hour of sunlight at the end of my day and shove it where the sun don't shine even with your special "help"........
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