Passion and Support.

Some some of you might not know this (or believe it) but I honestly had never really used or went on youtube before a couple of months ago....I knew it existed and I had heard there were videos on it but had never actually typed the site into my browser and just browsed....

well and then I did..

and lost DAYS of my life.

Seriously Days.

After following different tracks I found this video:

I put it up on facebook for a hot minute but then took it down...when I thought about it this video is kind of creepy and I couldn't put into words why I liked it sooo much.  Honestly its kind of creepy...the person should be focusing on the kids...and it is not her best dancing and I don't have this weird obsession with her..

after mulling it over though I realized its because she is living her PASSION.  She doesn't give a shit about the press, or her image, or really anyone but she is in the moment. living her mission.  She is focused on the kids, their joy.  She is soaking up the energy and recharging.

Replace her with anyone.

From Nanny to First Lady to Comedian.

When people live their passion it shows.  It shows in their face. It shows in their walk, their energy, their everything.

Shit happens but when you are living a life of your ideals, your talents, it is always worth it.  The goal is so much bigger than the pain.  It is not the easy road, or even the smartest route sometimes but its the road that just feels right.  That allows you to go to bed exhausted but at ease.


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