So I have started a "cleanse" of sorts and honestly this has shown me what a wuss I am! My "cleanse" is pretty lax compared to everyone else's but it has been a rough couple of days....
So I have given up processed sugar, gluten, dairy, soy, CAFFEINE, and red meat.
Now I knew when I started that caffeine would be ROUGH...but it has really kicked my ass. I honestly can't remember a time when I haven't had in the past 28 years of my the first day was painful. like nauseous, kill me painful. Honestly questioned if it was even worth it but decided if something is causing me that much "withdrawals" within one day then I needed to reduce the hold it has on me. I am now completing day 3 and while the headaches have gone (mostly) and I have actually started to feel thirsty occasionally (which I used to never) & my energy is GONE. For example today I sat down after work and what felt like one blink of an eye it was 2 hours later and I still felt exhausted...and I am not a nap person.
While the detox from caffeine has been about 500,000 times worse than I thought the other things I am not eating I haven't really missed at all. While I enjoy sugar, I have been eating fruit and can use raw honey so haven't even craved it at all. Also when you just cut out bread it makes it easy to say "no thanks" and again I haven't missed it.......yet.........
So originally I was gonna do this for 10 days but I might keep it up a bit longer as long as it has shown me that my body is a bit too dependent on certain things........
hopefully I start feeling the "good" affects of this whole thing...
wish me luck!
You can do it, Lacy!! Caffeine is always the hardest for me (and I always go back to it, even though I vow not to). I'm a big believer in cleanses! I've done two long-ish ones (one was almost a month, the other one over two weeks) and would love to promise that I'll do one every year. Hang in there, it's worth it!
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