Thankful Thursdays

I just looked at all my "rough draft" posts....and seriously they are epically depressing and very ala Holden Caulfield...and after all the rain and life and whatnot I can save my teenage angst for another day.  I am gonna focus on what rocks in my life.

1.  I have a dog that cuddles. and snorts. and look at that face:
seriously......ridiculous. (please note she also hates the outdoors and that look indicates "can we please be done with this and go lay on the couch?")

2. I planted this:

 and also got these:

Jealous? Lovely! Sometimes I love mistakes more than what I actually planned...

3. Also love craigslist.  seriously.  I have not gotten any amazing deals recently but I love looking through what people are willing to sell and for how much....its the shrink in me ;)

4. Speaking of the shrink in me..I am obsessed with Hoarders.  Seriously OBSESSED! I wish they would do a follow up show on the past episodes....

5. I am currently loving figs. in everything. cookies, granola bars, risotto, my mouth. love. love. love.

6. The prospect of this:

80's people 80's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So much to love and if the weather is this great I should have a great sun burn to show off :)

Living Life!



Jacquelyn said...

Yaay!! This post makes me happy! Sunshine makes me happy! Your little snort-faced dog makes me happy! Yaay!! :D

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