Why hello There....

oh boating..and bum man scruff..what you do to my heart...
DUDES. Sorry for the slacking but honestly I am soaking every freaking minute out of this summer.  I want to just hold on to every sun beam and stretch it out into infinity.  I want to stop, push pause and hug the warmth,  laughter, sunsets, bounty, life out of it.  My body can feel that darkness is coming and while I have started to crave Chai lattes recently every ounce of my being wants to be outside, all. the. time.  I have started walking at least an hour a day, I dream nightly of cycling around the hood and eating anything and everything that can be grilled and/or eaten on the deck.  While its been slightly hot this last week my soul not only craves it but gets damn right pissy if I do something inside during the day-light hours.

The house is a hot mess. The yard is dead, my garden is on self-monitor mode, my neighbors are probably pissed by our constant crap fess that is summer fun gear in random areas of our front yard & yet I wouldn't change a thing.

I do feel exhausted from all this life though and while I am trying to learn that this is the time to give it 110%, to work until you can fall asleep within 5 minutes of your head touching the pillow, my feet, back & netflix account are suffering.

one day of harvest from 2 plants...maybe late is better?
For one I have really stepped it up where food preserving has been concerned and because I cannot do anything domestic until the sun goes down that leaves me up until early in the morning preserving whatever fruit is in season.  Though this brings me so much peace.  How many times in our society today can you look at something lovely and say "I did that".  From plant in the freaking ground (or if you are really good: from baby seed in the ground..) to that lovely jar that will not only nourish those who make my life worth living but do it with a smile on their face is pretty awesome.  In my line of work there is no clear path, no immediate progress and honestly how much I have to do with change is debatable but not with canning......its all me baby.   

It Centers Me.

Connects me to a wonderful heritage of kick ass woman who broke their backs working away with sweat dripping into their eyes (or in my case with 2nd degree burns from the freaking boiling water) because of the love they had for their families.

It gives me pride.

It gives me power.

I have also taught some of my friends and that is a whole 'nother level of awesome.
50 pounds down..50 to up tomato jam, paste & ketchup

All of this from spaghetti sauce. 


I know. Pretty Epic.

I shall try to blog a bit more..have lots rattling in my mind some comes from nervousness with this whole economy/country is in the shitter talk and some of it just from a growing sense of skills/confidence/adventure..but seriously my body can feel the darkness coming and I am going to do my damnest to outrun it until the very end.

And then I shall savor that too. 


Oh and I am taking the dogs with me...


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