
So as homeownership is becoming more and more real to me (and less & less glamorous) I have realized that if you spend all your vacation days doing fun/vacation stuff your house ends up looking like total trash.    The hall closet has to be closed really quickly & only opened very slowly for fear of crap avalanche all over spewing out.  The curtains bought at least 6 months ago gather dust as they still wait to be hung up...and don't even get me started on the garage...oy.  How do people find the time to do it all???!!!  So the Mister and I took the week off to get our crap in gear.  This means making a list of all the little projects we keep putting off and a general deep clean of the entire home is in order.  We will donate everything that is collecting dust/got multiples of via the holidays.

So My To-Do List:

1. Create a craft space in the basement (already started! very exciting!)

2. Organize under the stairs closet

3. DE-CLUTTER EVERYTHING (if you don't love it give it away!)

4. Hang Curtains

5. Hang Bathroom mirrors

6. Dispose of Xmas tree (it was still decorated & in the house until this weekend...oy)

7. Organize food pantry

8. Clean out car!

9. Frame more pics (and hang them....)

10. Garage...blah.

11. Sell old chicken coop & expand new one.

12. Go through book case and purge old books.

I think that shall keep us busy.......hopefully I actually do these things when all I really want to do is look over (and drool) the seed catalogs that keep coming in the mail!

Wish me luck!



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