
Yesterday I was feeling overwhelmed.

Like SUPER overwhelmed.

It this it was 8pm dinner had finally just been made, dishes still undone, the house was a mess, the dogs weren't fed (or walked mind you) and I still had a ton of work I wanted to do, a rented movie to watch that was due the day before sitting on the coffee table and well I kind of just imploded.

This lead to a whole discussion with my beau, via google chat because we were both under a work deadline (and honestly I think he has realized to give me space when I am processing), about women and how I feel pulled to "do everything" and while I know, rationally, that this is not possible I still attempt to do it for some reason and how I worry (even subconsciously) that I will sometimes "fail" as a woman. My plate already feels too full and yet there is so much more I want to do, to provide, to give, to create, to change

my beau wrote this in response:


 i would be happy if i was born into the most important role of society

How did I get so lucky?



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