
I work as a "social worker" for a great non-profit that assists individuals with disabilities to live in their own homes.  I don't know about you but the idea of being shoved into a house that I have to share with 5 other adults, that I don't get to choose, sounds like shit.  Many times these individuals also have to share a room with a stranger so there is no privacy, no downtime, no power.  I couldn't imagine a whole lifetime of that, could you?

7 years ago I started into this field on accident.  I was in my senior year of college and needed cash.  I had a friend who worked with teens in a group home/prison (all windows and doors were locked at all times) and was able to complete 30 hours in two days.  The pay was good, the job sounded fun and exciting so I applied.  Looking back I would not realize how this would impact my future life.  It would mold/shape everything I have done in my adulthood.

After a few years I saw so many issues that I could no longer work there and be proud of it.  I saw younger girls learning bad (very unhealthy) habits from the older girls.  Residents with amazing gifts not being developed or encouraged because of the lack of staff.  So I started applying to new places and found the current company I work for.  I vividly remember the Assistant Director interviewing me and she started to describe the philosophy behind Community Vision.  I sat there and started tearing up (very unprofessional I know) and said to her something along the lines of "I don't care if you hire me but knowing this places exists gives me hope".  Thankfully I was hired and its been an amazing journey so far. One that even made me quit grad school later on because I missed this place, this work too much.

So enough of the sap story the real reason for this post is to educate the few that read this on exactly what is happening for individuals with disabilities right here in Oregon.  A story no media is covering, a story with very little outrage/support.  I know this is not because people don't care...its because they don't know.

A year ago Oregon Health Plan (the insurance the majority of individuals with disability have) stopped covering all dental and eye procedures.  This means no glasses and if you get a cavity they pull your tooth out.  Also if you have glaucoma and need surgery...sorry....hope you enjoy being blind.  This was a major blow to many people I care about but they understood that the budget was tight.  This was also the first time I realized how uneducated the general population is.  Every time I mention this to a friend they get outraged and wonder why this wasn't in thew news.  They also feel helpless to change it.

Then the major blow hit (one I am sad to say is of many to come).

Two months ago the state threatened a 6% cut to all services to individuals with disabilities (including children).  They stated it would probably be a couple of months out and we just got confirmation that it is happening, starting October.  6% doesn't sound like a huge cut but even our little non-profit it translates to $30,000 a month less...for the same services.....  What really sucks about this is that its actually going to cost the state MORE in the not too far future.  It will stop funding to programs that allows people to live in their own homes and without this support they will have to move to nursing homes (which can cost upwards of 10,000 a month).  This also can mean that families with a child who has a disability will have to give up their rights to their child and be forced to put their child into crisis housing (which also costs upwards of 10,000 a month).  I cannot imagine being a mother faced with that choice.  It breaks my heart.  This does not even address the staff who will lose their jobs and then have to apply for unemployment and food stamps.

When the governor made this 6% cut across the board he did so not realizing that he is ending people's lives.  He is forcing families to split up, great programs who are cost effective go under and individuals like me hurt inside knowing people I love are being treated like sub-humans.  I think it is guilt and fear that prevents the media from telling this story.  It is also guilt and fear that prevents people from asking questions and/or seeing how they can help.  If we don't stand and say no to this 6% next year its going to be 10% and the year after 15% until we repeat Fairview.  Please imagine your mother/child/spouse/self being treated this way.

Would you tolerate it?


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