What I Know...

*Nothing tastes as good as something you have had a part in growing/preparing/preserving.

*The smell of babies & puppies is pretty much the best smell in the whole world.

*Surrounding yourself with people who are always willing to go on adventures is what life is all about.

*Men are great but there is NOTHING like some kick ass, confident, will tell you how it is even if you don't want to hear it, lady friends (also when they just let you cry and threaten to beat the bastard that too is nice)

*There will always be dishes in the sink.

*The St. Johns Bridge makes me want to grab life and hug it because I am so blessed to see such an amazing thing everyday.

*My house will never be clean.

*I can't raise a garden by seeds.

*Staying in bed an extra five minutes to cuddle with your loved one is worth rushing to work.

*A cat is a necessity.

*Me and Dolly Parton would be best friends in real life.

*I will never be described as a quiet person.

*Ab Fab makes me giddy.

*Hate never heals.

*My Christmas Cactus blooming is a hello/hug from my Grandma Freeman.

*Sometimes a girl just is in a piss poor mood and thats okay.

*Email will wait.

*Life will not.

*Red Rooster Sauce makes everything a little bit better...(so does Butter).


Jacquelyn said...

Brilliant. Unfortunately for me, shortly after I realized that I'm not a from-seed gardener, I ended up with dozens and dozens of fabulous seed packets. I think I might have to give it a solid go this year, before I give up completely on myself.
I need more of those adventure people in my life, methinks. Lots more adventures to be had than I've been having.

Lacy said...

I am always up for adventure! I want to be able to do seed planting but I just can visualize it so I always just end up planting stuff on top...I have accepted this fact though the baker seed catalog always makes me want to try again...

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