Out with the old & In with the New...

I hope the holidays treated you well.  Here in our household I am geeking over my new Foodsaver & harvesting & homesteading books.

Hello.  My name is Lacy and I am officially super lame.

Anyhoo....I have never been one to care much about packaging, I realize it is bad for the environment but with so many things in my life I have had to prioritize my "causes" & that one did not make the cut...UNTIL this holiday....WTH.

Thankfully my family is pretty awesome and while they do not really understand my need to reuse materials they got me many gifts that were good for the environment/locally made BUT after hauling yet another box FULL of packaging I realize how wasteful this all is...but am frustrated by what to do with it...any ideas??

As we have gotten newer stuff I have been working on getting rid of the "old" (usually really good, lots of life) stuff.   And if you too are doing this I really want to shout-out an AMAZING organization that not only will take your stuff with a smile  but do amazing work with it...

Community Warehouse

They have drop off points in both NE & SW, making it very convenient to donate.  They use household goods to help people get on their feet, they do not discriminate what constitutes a household and I have taken many people to partake of their services & it is pretty amazing how a couple of paid employees team up with a bunch of volunteers to spread hope & cheer to so many.  They are the essence of a non-profit (look at their budget on the website), turning very little into quite a lot for a lot of individuals in our community.  I know that there are a lot of organizations that take goods but there is something about Community Warehouse that just seems right. I encourage you to look through your kitchen, linen closet & garage/basement to see if there are any items not getting the love/attention they deserve because I know Community Warehouse will make sure they are placed with some people that would be very appreciative of them right now.

On a total side note check out their blog....RIDICULOUSLY FUNNY.  you will thank me later...



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